Journalist and photographer Fatih Pinar started to his career in photography when he was studying economics in 1992.
Pinar created a lot of photo-reportages for geography magazines in the country and in Middle East between the years of 1998 and 2005. There after he was concentrated on subjects like urban transformation in Istanbul and related violations of rights. Since 2013 the photographer has been making video-reportages about the social and political developments in Turkey. He is an activist and works as a freelance journalist.
With the own words of the photographer:
“If you go out for making photograph, it means that you go into real life. You will witness that time passes. And you document the moment you go through. It is the chance to meet people who you normally couldn’t meet. It is a discovery to witness stories of life. To release shutter is the art of reality…. It is passion; it is excitement… You watch admiringly filtered image trough lens, and it is magically reflected on viewfinder. You play with light. It is to have butterflies in stomach. At that moment you see the world with one closed eye. You are away from “usual world” when you try to photograph it. And you forget everything else. It is the moment of discharging. It is like tears of enthusiasm. You change dimensions in that instant blackout, in that nanosecond when you push shutter. You just go and come back from the other side. Photography is a passion. It is the one in billions of possibilities that you actualize. It is something real; it is real life…It is learning.