The artworks of Istanbul born French- Turkish photographer Niko Guido have been exhibited in more than forty cities around the world. His photography has also been published in many national and international magazines and newspapers. His success in nude photography earned him respect in the eyes of the international photographic community. The book “Nude Art Today”, published in France (as an important reference in nude photography, painting and sculpture by the international art community) devoted two pages to his photography in the 2008 – 09 edition.
The artist photographed South America in 2008 and then carried out projects in Haiti, Cuba, Japan, Myanmar, India, Morocco, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and The Philippines. His photography were published most notably National Geographic. He worked with UNICEF in his Haiti Project and held an exhibition “Support for Van” with UNICEF. Nico’s photography within the context of the projects “Doctors without Borders” and “Leave Us Alone” were exhibited in 32 different cities around the world.
The photographer, founder of The Contemporary Photographers Community, presented his exhibition “Artist as an Art Object” for the benefit of The Turkish Education Foundation in 2014. Lately he directed a documentary film on the earthquake in Haiti. He has been pursuing his projects “14 Cities”, “I’m Istanbul” and “From Woman’s Eyes” with the participation of hundreds of photographers.
Niko Guido was awarded the jury’s special award in the “FIAP World Cup” in 2013.